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Relocation Services Switzerland - Relocating To Switzerland Made Easy

Silverline Relocations is a complete relocation assistance provider company that helps International organizations, private companies and individuals relocating to Geneva, Lausanne, Vaud and other places of Switzerland with their relocation expertise, services and information. Our aim is to ensure that your relocation experience to Switzerland will be as simple and as stress free as possible.

How Silverline Relocations works with their Relocating Services in Geneva, Lausanne, Vaud and Other Places of Switzerland


Relocation Assistance Switzerland - Pre-move orientation visit

This is a customized pre-assignment visit to provide an overview of life in a new destination. The search consultant will collect the people who want to relocate (and family) by car and drives around the chosen areas. This trip includes a brief insight into the legal system of Switzerland, political and economic climate, weather, holidays and traditions, banking, utilities, driving regulations. Also an overview on housing, healthcare, education, shopping, local Authority Services, public/private transport, sites of historic/educational interest, Leisure Facilities and information about Local Schools.

Relocation Switzerland Assistance - Home Hunting - Rental

This is a part of our relocation service which helps the person from the planning stages of their move to settling into their new rental home, with day to day support from Silverline Relocations. Throughout the relocation process, we will negotiate competitive pricing on behalf of your assignees for apartment rents, lease terms, security deposits, application fees, and furniture / household ware rentals when appropriate.

This Service Typically Includes:

» Establish housing requirements and fix up dates for house-hunting trip
» Relocation area orientation
» Property search and selection and preparation of viewing programme
» Accompanied Viewings of properties
» Negotiations with agents and landlords for relocation - covering rental price, length of tenancy, date of entry, cleaning or decorating requirements, wish list
» Approval of Rental Agreement
» Check-in Arrangements

Relocation to Switzerland - Home purchase Assistance

The current volatility of the Swiss housing market means that buying a property can be time-consuming and frustrating. Silverline Relocation Solutions provides a dedicated consultant who works closely with the home-purchaser, undertaking all registrations, searches, negotiations, until the keys to the new home are handed over.
The Service Includes:
» Registration with local estate agents, auctioneers, etc
» Selection of properties to create short-list and pre-viewing
» Preparation of viewing programmes (accompanied and unaccompanied)
» Advising on and making preliminary offers, updating relocatee and agents
» Introductions to professional services - builders, surveyors, lawyers, etc
» Negotiations, including agent liaison until price agreed by purchaser and vendor

Relocating to Switzerland - Furniture Rental and Interiors

Our relocation service includes coordinate the rental or purchase of furnishings for your home and/or office, providing a comprehensive range of household or business furniture that can be rented on a short term or long term basis through our suppliers.

Relocating to Switzerland - School Search and Selection

If you are relocating to Switzerland, it has a vast array of education options available, which can be confusing and worrying. The Education Consultant works closely with the relocatee, fully explaining the complex and varied Swiss systems, prior to establishing the needs of the children and assessing the most suitable school.

Relocating Services Includes:

» Advice on schooling, entry procedures, registration and fees
» Schools search and selection of short-list, with advice as to the merits of each school
» Providing web addresses and information of local schools prior to visit
» Organising registration for chosen schools, particularly if there are waiting lists
» Arranging programme of appointments and visits as required (accompanied and unaccompanied)
» Confirming places with schools, organisation of assessments/examinations
» Services such as arranging payments of fees, moving-up days, etc

Relocate to Switzerland - Residence Permit Application

Silverline Relocation Assist you with all the Swiss relocation formalities in relation with application and obtaining residence and work permit.

Relocate to Switzerland - Spouse/Partner Career Assistance

Silverline Relocation would advise on Spouse/Partner Employment and Career Assistance, assisting the accompanying partner with opportunities for employment or career enhancing alternatives to employment in the host country.

Relocation Switzerland - Settling-In Service

Utilities Installation - Our representative will attend an empty property to allow access for installation services, meter readings, safety checks etc. including TV and telephone lines.

Relocation Switzerland - Shopping Service

A counsellor will undertake shopping for household goods with or on behalf of the client. Assistance can be provided with obtaining parking permits, TV licenses, veterinary services, etc
Information regarding local medical facilities, leisure complexes, places of interest, amenities

Relocating Services Switzerland - Health Care Advice

Help with locating and registering with local doctor (GP), dentists, opticians or other specialist healthcare providers. Information about the Swiss Health Service, how it compares with private medical treatment and what one should do in an emergency situation.

Relocating Services Switzerland - Tenancy Management & Termination

During assignment it is extraordinary how fast time flies and renewal dates and notice periods can be overlooked. Silverline Relocations constantly monitors each tenancy to ensure that no issues arise or unnecessary costs are incurred.
Call 0041223491730 Or 0041786317110 today to get our Relocation Services in Geneva, Lausanne, Vaud and other places of Switzerland.

Silverline Relocation helps you in relocating to Switzerland with all the formalities in relation with application and obtaining residence and your work permit. Our aim is to ensure your relocation experience to Switzerland is as simple and as stress free as possible.